venerdì 31 maggio 2013

The rehabilitative protocol with Fisiotek HP2 for the fracture of humerus's head

The fracture of humerus's head
Post-operative protocol with Fisiotek HP2
This rehabilitative protocol for the fracture of humerus's head is part of a clinical study made by Prof. Carlo Mammarella and C. Sarti, from A.S.L. S. Camillo - Forlanini in Rome (Italy), who they have analysed the clinical evidences and the rehabilitative value of Fisiotek HP2 for the rehabilitation of surgical pathologies of the shoulder.
The case study has been based on 16 cases  (10 women and 6 men), with an average of age aroung 54 years: these cases have been divided in two groups of 8 people each, the first one treated with Fisiotek HP2 and the other one treated with the classic mobilization.
GROUP A --> treatment with Fisiotek HP2
GROUP B --> treatment with classic mobilization
For the first 7 days after the intervention, all the people have worn a shoulder brace, in spite of the therapy which has started 9 days after the intervention.
As datas of reference for shoulder's mobility, it has been taken ROM values of Kapandji:

à 180°
à 180°
à 50°
External Rotation
à 80°
Internal Rotation
à 110°

 Initially, at the beginning of the treatment, it has been observed these values of ROM:
Abduction: 0° to 15°
Flexion: 20°
Extension: 20°
Rotation: 0°
People of the group A, have been treated in seated position (on bed and on a chair), apart from 4 people with multi-fractures, who have been rehabilitated in supine position.
People from group B have been treated by the physiotherapist in sessions of 15 minutes each one.

Here below in the chart is explained the rehabilitative program carried out for Group A:

Treatment – modalities – timetables – R.O.M.
From 9th to 15th day
2 sessions per day (40 min. each) ;
ROM: abduction 0° -> 40° / flexion 0° -> 30° / extension 0° -> 10°
From 15th to 25th day
2 sessions per day (60 min. each) ;
Increase of the ROM of 10° every 4 days ;
Beginning of active mobilization assisted;
From 25th to 45th day
Addition of internal rotation ( 0° -> 30°) and external rotation (0° -> 40°) ;
Increase of the ROM of 10° every 5 days ;
Over 45th day
Second phase of the protocol: active exercises, resistance, stretching;

As results of this study, we summarize them in the chart:

Periods and R.O.M. reached
15 days
30 days
45 days
Group A
Group B
Flexion – Extension
15 days
30 days
45 days
Group A
Group B
Internal – External rotation
15 days
30 days
45 days
Group A
Group B

Surely after a first view of the chart, is easy to say that passive mobilization with a CPM device can accellerate all the rehabilitation program.

In particular, we can have a rapid recovery of the articular range and a better result in terms of R.O.M. reached: in addition, a better functional recovery and the acceleration of the following phases of the protocol.

In conclusion, compared with the classic methodology, passive rehabilitation with Fisiotek HP2 provide less anxiety and stress to the patient, who's more relaxed: this point is appreciated because patient feels without fears.

giovedì 30 maggio 2013

The rehabilitative value of Fisiotek HP2, the CPM for shoulder, elbow and wrist

Fisiotek HP2 : clinical considerations,
rehabilitative value and effectiveness for the patient
...not only a claim... "Fisiotek comes near the patient"
Always more clinical situations have as protagonist the shoulder, that's usually the target for traumatic pathologies or inflammations.
One of the elements for the identification of the pathology is, without doubts, joint stiffness with limitation of the R.O.M., with pain.
All the protocol's treatments after a pathology or after a surgical intervention, have the aim to recover the articular range, the more possible close to physiological values.
The recovery of the R.O.M., apart from mobilization in narcosis, is made through methodologies of passive mobilization applied in 2 ways:
1) manual passive mobilization provided by the physiotherapist;
2) continuous passive mobilization, using a mechanic mobilizer;
Now we analyse in detail both the techniques:
Manual passive mobilization: 
Manual passive mobilization
-It can be modulate with reference to the opposite resistance applied
-It can be applied with adaptability to the patient
-Unsettled ROM, not being measurable in the implementation step
-Inapplicable for long periods
-Unsettled as working speed

...and Continuous passive mobilization:

Continuous passive mobilization
-the ROM programmed fit with the clinical frame
-Unlimited time
-Not enough power
-Impossibility to be applied to patients in supine position
-Usually there’s a side of the body obligated

Thinking to disadvantages of Continuous passive mobilization, we would be forced to think that it could be better to leave to use CPM devices, relying the passive phase of the rehabilitation to the physiotherapist.
At this point, Fisiotek HP2 is the solution for all the disadvantages over mentioned:
- with the programming software is it possible to program a constant and measurable ROM, with a running speed and a fixed time of work, without intermediate steps or stops;
- no more problems for body's positioning, as Fisiotek HP2 adapt itself to a wide range of situations, depending on patient conditions.
Continuous passive mobilization with Fisiotek HP2 helps also to measure the progressive increase of the R.O.M., taking memory (if required) of patient's improvements, thanks to the Memory Card (if you are interested about this theme, please visit**).
In conclusion, Fisiotek HP2 has been recognised, during years, as an excellent device in rehabilitative protocols for shoulder rehabilitation, boasting the possibility to work over all the 3 plans of the shoulder, covering wide physiological ranges. 
(**) is a blog for the comparison of the main important models of CPM devices for shoulder rehabilitation from the main  famous manufacturers of all over the world.
In this case, our attention is focused on an article which take into consideration different systems and phylosophies for data storage of patient parameters.

martedì 28 maggio 2013

A cost-effective rehabilitation: the CPM therapy as first step for knee and shoulder rehabilitation

Economic and physical benefits of CPM therapy for lower and upper limbs
"Concrete" usefulness of continuos passive motion methodology


After joint surgery, the range of motion is the first function to regain, according. Generally surgeons prescribe continuous passive motion (CPM) because enable patients to get back quickly-or never lose-good motion, for example for outpatients shoulder surgeries and instability cases: it is also used CPM following distal clavicle excisions and acromioplasties, if a rotator cuff repair is not done.

Generally, procedures that are high risk for developping stiffness are recommended to be treated prescribing CPM following total knee replacements, ligament reconstructions, and fractures. CPM has also produced significant benefits following newer articular cartilage resurfacing procedures that result from isolated chip fractures on the ends of bone. CPM not only helps prevent stiffness, but promotes nutrition of the articular cartilage that you are trying to heal.

The benefits of CPM are recognized, although quantifying its value has been difficult. Its use early in recovery, has a significant impact overall. People who use CPM very early versus those who do not, can verify theirselves a quicker, less costly rehab process.

CPM keeps the joint region stretched and warm, increasing blood flow and elasticity. It has been verified that patients get their motion back faster, and they are off crutches sooner. They also find that it relaxes the area and provides pain relief. Patients are recommended to spend 4 to 6 hours a day in the machine

Additional increased motion and stretching exercises are demonstrated to patients during visits in the first and third weeks following surgery. With good motion after the first 3 weeks following the procedure, patients are well ahead in the healing curve when they begin physical therapy. Up until that time, patients should not be doing any active motion, just passive motion and stretching.

Studies have also been unreliable in determining CPM's impact on healing the joint.
Most have looked at patients 1 or 2 years after surgery, another mistake according to these physicians. Accurate short-term studies require testing a single surgical procedure, as well as splitting patients into those who receive and those who do not receive CPM. Studies have shown CPM's value in pain reduction and its benefits after certain procedures: in fact they have showed that CPM therapy is beneficial for articular cartilage healing.

Economics reasons to support CPM therapy

The ability to shorten recovery time by 2 months is significant in return-to-work claims. Getting a patient back to work in 3 months rather than 4 to 6 months is important to everyone:

1)      there is a huge amount of money saved;

2)      the patient is back and healthy

The end costs in time, pain management, and physical therapy are reduced. Some patients require very little or no physical therapy, just stretching and time in the CPM machine. Fighting that stiffness early also eliminates a setback in what PTs are trying to do-strengthen muscle around the joint. The result, benefits everyone.
Patients benefit because they are active in less time, payers pay less, and therapists end up with a patient at 6 to 8 weeks who has good passive motion.
In the past, managed care companies eyed CPM with cost-cutting scrutiny. The mistake, was thinking money saved by eliminating CPM would outweigh money saved in the duration of physical therapy or additional surgeries if scar tissue developed. Attaining 110° to 120° of motion prior to physical therapy is usually the goal, and while many procedures have become more packaged, CPM's use varies.


martedì 14 maggio 2013

The correct positioning of the limb for Fisiotek HP2, the shoulder CPM from Rimec

The correct positioning of the limb is the preface for an effective rehabilitation
Positioning of the arm on Fisiotek HP2
The prerequisite of a correct rehabilitation is surely the positioning of the limb. In this case, we analyse passive rehabilitation of the shoulder with Fisiotek HP2.
In order to provide a correct positioning of the limb, firstly it's necessary  to measure the arm from the shoulder to the elbow, and report the lenght on the scale of the mechanical arm (the maximum lenght accepted is 38 cm).
After the programming of the device through the consolle, it's possible to positionate the limb: as Fisiotek devices have been developed in order to "come near the patient", a correct alignement close to patient body is required, even for a more comfortable position.

This is possible thanks to simple but smart details :

1) adjustment of the grade (see picture 1)
2) adjustment of the height (see picture 1)
3) laser pointer (see picture 2)

1) system for bend the

2) system for the adjust
     of the height

                        3) laser pointer

            Picture 1                                                                                                    Picture 2

Grade is fondamental in Fisiotek HP2, because it's necessary for the correctness of the movement.
In fact, bending the device permits to modify the work of field and choose the one we need: so, if we have a patient in supine position, we have to bend the device horizontally with respect to his body (like for elevation movement).
As result, patient feel a comfortable position, providing muscle relaxing.

Height have to be adjusted with reference to the distance between patient's shoulder and the floor (in centimeters). The control knob raise or lower the device up to the requested height

Laser pointer is generally employed in couple with the system for the adjustment of the height, because in the same time it's necessary also to center the rotation's point of the shoulder.

After a correct review of all this point, we can positionate patient's limb and start the session; before it, it's always compulsory to tighten the straps of the accessories and ask to the patient if he feel well all the grips and the arm support.

Picture 3

In picture 3 is shown the external rotation movement in supine position.

The body of Fisiotek HP2 is bent up to 60°, near the patient, allowing to work on an horizontal scapular plan, which relax shoulder's muscle.

Picture 4
In picture 4 we see the elevation movement in supine position.
The ROM  5° - 180° covered by Fisiotek HP2 for shoulder's elevation can be reproduced also in supine position: obviously, changing the degrees of bending, we modify the work of field and the consequent movement, which can results smaller or bigger (pictute 5).
Here below (picture 5) an example of different setting of Fisiotek HP2 for various movements: when changes the grade of Fisiotek HP2's body, it changes also the work of field (angle), in spite of the scapular plan which is different for each positions.
Picture 5
In the graphic representation over mentioned, we see that the body of Fisiotek HP2 is bent in three different ways, depending on the position of the patient and the movement to do.


We invite you to visit our account on Youtube, where you can find different videos tutorial about Fisiotek HP2 (setting and programming) .
